La store perfecta

5 Tips to Create the Perfect Amazon Store

As we told you in a previous blog post, the Amazon Store allows sellers to create a customizable catalog where they can host and give visibility to all their products, helping customers learn more about the brand and generating better conversion rates.

We recommend that you start by designing an eye-catching homepage and include videos of the brand, product or any aspect you want to highlight, and prepare an intuitive interface, where the images encourage the customer to click.

From the Amazon Store you will be able to publicize your entire catalog in a simple, creative and dynamic way. Thanks to this tool, you will be able to segment your products by categories, product lines, etc.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of it:


– Identify the differences between the Store and the A+

Unlike the A+, the Store is more flexible and has more options. You can insert different types of modules, include sliders, explanatory texts, and banners to segment the categories in your inventory.


– Eye-catching images that encourage the customer to navigate through the Store

The image is much more important than the text, so you must plan well the structure you want to present in your Store. This is the time to show the customer your brand’s values with images, banners, and videos that best define it.

Remember that bold colors encourage you to click on the image or product in question.


– Organize your Store by tabs

Sorting products by tabs makes it easier for the customer to quickly access and have a smoother navigation through your Amazon store.

If you have multiple product lines in your catalog, try to organize them into broader categories. In this way, the customer will have at a glance the different tabs that will be displayed in the menu of your Store.


– Don’t neglect the mobile version

Avoid navigation errors by creating a design for mobile devices and another for desktop. In this way, you will be able to give it greater usability, being able to make the Store more visual depending on the device on which it is viewed.


– Use videos to improve the user experience

Use the Store as a vehicle to present your brand, highlight your best products or what you consider relevant with a video that helps you expand the information and capture the customer’s attention.

As a final tip, if your brand is recognizable or you want it to be easier to remember, it’s good to have your Store URL named after it. This will make it easier for customers to find your store on Amazon.

At Nozama, we can help you structure your Store well, choose the most suitable images and optimize your products before publishing them. If these 5 tips to create the perfect Amazon Store have helped you, you may be interested in reading 5 Tips to optimize your images on Amazon.