Seller y vendor al mimos tiempo

Is it possible to be a Seller and a Vendor on Amazon at the same time?

  • Employing a business model in which your Vendor and Seller accounts coexist, in addition to increasing your sales, carries less risk for your business by diversifying the sale of your products.
  • Take advantage of the visibility that Amazon Vendor gives you on those products that you want to sell faster, while focusing your resources on other products in your inventory through Seller.

Select products based on the number of sales and stock

Stock capacity, price control, number of sales, and type of investment will determine which account is best suited for each of your products.

A good start is to think about what the capacity of your stock is. Amazon will require a high volume of the best-selling products on Seller for your Vendor account. Therefore, you need to be sure that you can provide it to them. You will leave for the Seller account those products that do not have these characteristics.

In this way, you will obtain benefits in two different ways and your source of income will not be put at risk in case a specific problem arises in one of the two.

Another important point is to know which products you want to have control over the RRP. While in the products that you send to Vendor it will be Amazon who decides the final price, in the catalog that you publish in Seller, you can modify it whenever you want.


Choose the account that best suits each product

For products where you’re looking for faster speed and sales volume, the best option is Vendor. In addition, when Amazon takes over the buybox , it would multiply the reach of your products.

Therefore, the most logical approach is to implement a hybrid selling strategy: working with different product lines in two types of accounts, depending on the goal you want to achieve. It’s a good idea to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine more precisely which account you’ll choose.

We help you choose the best strategy

At Nozama we help you define the most beneficial strategy for your business. A dedicated team will manage your Seller and Vendor accounts to optimize your presence and increase your sales on Amazon. In short, we will help you make a place for yourself in the Amazon universe!