La páginas de autor de Amazon

What are Amazon Author Pages?

If you’re an author who sells your books on Amazon, you’ll be interested to know what Amazon Author Pages or Author Central are. In the new author space, you will have easy access to a set of tools that will help you achieve your goals as an author.

What are Amazon Author Pages?

Author Pages are free spaces that Amazon provides to all published authors whose books have a unique book identifier (ISBN). It is a very successful marketing tool for those who want to sell their books on the Marketplace.

In addition, customers will be able to discover a new way to search for and buy books by their favorite authors, discover new ones and much more. Currently, each author page includes the author’s bibliography as well as their photograph and other features.

How to create Amazon Author Pages?

Joining the Amazon Author Program is very easy. All you have to do is create an author account and create content for it.

Authors can customize their Author Pages and use them to represent their books. Once they sign up, they can start adding content about themselves and their work. It will take three to five days for the page to appear on Amazon after you’ve signed up for Author Central. Once the Author Page is established and approved by the publisher, any changes to the page will appear within 24 hours. There are a multitude of functionalities that authors can manage:

  • Include your bio
  • Add photos and videos from books, etc.
  • Add Events
  • Modify the url of your Author Page
  • Keep descriptions and editorial reviews up-to-date
  • Report Copyright Infringement
  • Track your sales rankings and customer reviews

Authors whose books are sold under an Amazon program that the author does not control will also be able to join the Author Central program.

What are the benefits of Amazon Author Pages?


They provide more information.

By using Author Central, authors can manage not only what buyers see about them in their bios, but also what buyers see on the pages of their books (including book synopses, internal search, and other features).

Improved appearance in search results.

The more engaging and comprehensive the Amazon Author Page is, the more likely it is that the search algorithm will discover an author’s books.

Sales follow-up.

Thanks to these pages, authors can find out where their books sell the most.

Direct contact with the authors.

Because of the features included in Amazon’s Author Central pages, such as reader comments and author-initiated discussions, authors will be able to get closer to readers and give them a personal touch.