Programa Ahorra Amazon

Amazon’s Subscribe & Save program for sellers

  • The “Subscribe & Save” program allows Amazon customers to sign up for regular deliveries of products they buy frequently. Subscribers get a base discount on their deliveries, which you fund as the seller.
  • To be eligible for this program, your products must be shipped under Fulfillment by Amazon.
  • Customers who receive three or more subscriptions in a delivery will reach a tier status, which will grant additional savings on all products in their delivery.
  • FBA sellers who participate in “Subscribe & Save” will be required to meet the eligibility requirements listed on Amazon, and by participating in the program, you agree to the terms and conditions subject to the program.

The “Subscribe & Save” program helps increase sales by attracting customers who are looking for convenient shopping experiences at competitive prices. In addition, they will be able to reinforce trust with regular buyers who are already committed to their brand.

Manage your account

As a general rule, it is Amazon itself that automatically includes products in the program, based on their sales history, good functioning in the supply chain or product characteristics (supplements, vitamins, proteins, cosmetics, stationery) that are more likely to be purchased repeatedly. You can request the inclusion of the catalog through direct contact, then it is Amazon who evaluates which products are interesting.

Once we verify that our items are in the Program, we can manage the discounts to be applied, send inventory, or set aside the items in the Program. In Seller accounts we can access through this route: Growth > Shipping Programs > Subscribe and Save.

On the other hand, in Vendor accounts we do not have a management panel as in Seller. The request for inclusion in the program and the management of the items (extension/decrease of discounts, removal of the item in the program) are made exclusively through Direct Contact with Amazon.

How Discounts and Order Types Are Applied

Buyers receive a base discount of at least 5% from the third delivery. The program applies only to FBA or Vendor products. Adjustable discounts of 0%, 5% and 10% by the seller and on the third recurring order, Amazon discounts 5% to the buyer with a maximum discount of 15% (on some childcare items at 20%). It should be noted that in Vendor accounts, the adjustable discount of between 0% and 10% is on the final sale price of the product on the Amazon platform.

There are two types of Subscribe & Save orders: subscription initiation orders and replenishment requests. Subscription initiation registration orders are the initial orders with which customers subscribe to a product. Please note that in order for your “Subscribe & Save” offer to be displayed for a product, you must have won the Buy Box. Replenishment orders are automatically created based on the frequency that the customer has set. Subscribe & Save customers can set up shipments at one- to six-month intervals.

As a seller, being in the “Subscribe and Save” program will bring you multiple benefits since buyers usually spend on average 212% more on brands enrolled in the program, these brands have an average of 19.9% higher sales than non-enrolled brands.

At Nozama we can help you manage the inclusion of your products in this program, as well as with the comprehensive management of your account.