ranking de ventas

What is Amazon Sales Ranking?

Amazon sales ranking is a key factor in improving your performance. And the importance of this is because Amazon’s sales rank (especially on dates as important as Amazon Black Friday), generally known as the Best Sales Rank (BSR), is a calculation that is based on amazon.es sales and is updated hourly to reflect recent and historical transactions of each of the items sold through the platform.

While Amazon’s Best Sellers list is a strong indicator of how a product is selling overall, it doesn’t always indicate how well an item is performing among others that are similar. Category and subcategory bestseller lists were created to show an item’s rank in the categories or subcategories in which it stands out from the competition.

An item’s Best Seller Ranking appears on multiple pages, including the Amazon Best Sellers page, also within a detail page, and on a category-level bestseller page, such as the Electronics category or the Computer category (although it could also be any other).

However, it is extremely important that you try to be the best seller in your specific subcategory, rather than the general product category.

Looking at it with a slightly clearer example, in this Ranking Ranking in the Best Sellers on Amazon you can see the position in which your product is in terms of sales. This Hard Drive is ranked No. 1 in the Computing category and No. 1 in the External Hard Drives subcategory.

Having this level of detail in the post gives the prospective customer an idea of how your products are performing at both the big picture level and the SKU-specific level.


Importance of Amazon Sales Ranking

Amazon’s sales ranking is used to measure the popularity of a product within its category compared to the competition. A product’s eligibility for the metric is determined by recent sales volume and historical sales data for any other product that is in the same category. The lower your ranking number, the more sales your product will receive. If you have the #1 sales rank as a seller, your product automatically becomes the most purchased product in that category.

Since the Best Seller Ranking or also called Amazon Best Seller Ranking is based on recent and past performance, so it is essential that you do not catch up too much on placement to increase the sales speed of your products, because even if an item has reached the “Amazon Best Seller Rankings”, This doesn’t necessarily mean that your product ranks highly for any search term, especially on the organic side. While you should focus on driving sales and speed, top-selling products don’t have a direct correlation to help you generate organic sales.

The highest percentage of users who go to Amazon do so when they are ready to buy a specific product (last step of the conversion funnel). In order to capitalize on these purchases, you need to make sure you’re actively optimizing your content listing to leverage profitable keywords and strategic advertising to promote discovery of your key products, improve your keyword rankings with Amazon SEO, and accelerate sales.


Our catalog and content creation services ensure that your products rank effectively in both organic and paid search, and drive engagement in order to maximize impact. As part of this process, the team analyzes listings and historical performance and, in turn, optimizes visual and written content, both above and below the fold, to effectively engage the target audience.

Listing optimization performed according to Amazon’s best practices offers the ability to create accurate naming conventions, descriptive titles, high-quality images, compelling product copy, and correct product variants to convey any unique and influential differentiation or added value in consumers’ purchasing decision-making.

By running PPC campaigns, you’ll be able to get your product in front of a wider audience who are looking for similar words. Sponsored Products, for example, are keywords that can be used to meet a variety of business objectives. Whether your goal is to boost exposure or visibility of new or low-exposure ASINs, generate additional sales, maximize profits, or liquidate a low-converting product, Amazon ad campaigns will not only help you generate demand, but they can also have a positive impact on your organic ranking.

Understanding the calculation of the Amazon Best Selling Ranking is another way to make the best business decisions for your Amazon operation. Taking a look at the ranking rank can help gain insight into potential product launch strategies as it allows you to know anticipated demand, provide useful information when preparing for listing optimization, discover competitors’ views on how you can outperform others in the category, and much more.


At Nozama we are here to help you solve your doubts and inconveniences, we seek to boost your business on Amazon, because we have the best team of professionals and the best tools to grow your business on Amazon with personalized strategies so that you don’t have to worry about anything, because we take care of everything. Contact us!


Find out more: Get ready for the last quarter of sales on Amazon
