Anuncios patrocinados Black Friday

How to Prepare Your Amazon Advertising Campaigns for Black Friday

  • Advertising campaigns will help you increase the visibility of your products and boost your sales during Black Friday.
  • Setting strategic bids, creating ongoing campaigns, or paying attention to keywords will allow you to make your products stand out from your competitors.


Black Friday is one of the most anticipated dates of the year for both buyers and sellers. If you are thinking of using Amazon’s advertising campaigns to boost your sales during the month of November, you will have to take into account the keys that we are going to explain below to get the most out of this advertising tool.

Why are advertising campaigns important?

Investing in advertising through Amazon Advertising is essential to increase sales and achieve greater visibility of products both on and off the platform.

Amazon’s advertising campaigns allow you, on the one hand, to better position your products against those of other sellers who also compete to capture the attention of millions of users, especially on dates as important as Black Friday. And, on the other hand, occupying the different spaces that generate the greatest impact, as well as blocking “leaks” from your listings. Your ads can appear in search results, at the top of the screen, or in other browsers and apps that your customers have downloaded on their own mobile devices or tablets.

Using the sponsored ads service, you can choose those products you want to advertise, based on the keywords you want or you can choose to let Amazon itself filter your ads to your audience, using automatic targeting. Either way, you’ll always have the option to choose how much money you’re going to invest in each campaign depending on your budget.

To make the most of the advertising invested on Amazon and reach your target audience during Black Friday, you must take into account the following key points that you will need to check in any campaign:

Differentiate yourself from your competitors:

To ensure that your products stand out from the competition, you need to define a “full-funnel” advertising strategy that delivers relevant messages and high-quality ad creatives. Only in this way, you will offer added value to your customers and attract them to your products.

During the days leading up to Black Friday, it would be advisable to increase your advertising budget to improve your visibility by presenting ads that clearly expose your brand identity, your items and the promotions you are going to apply for these dates.

Create permanent campaigns:

Creating an ongoing campaign is the best way to give your advertising strategy an extra boost. Creating sponsored ads without an end date will allow you to gain valuable information about what is working over time so that you can use it to improve the result on appointments as important as this one.

Choose your keywords carefully:

Spend time researching the keywords that work best for your products, and increase promotions on those you know you’ll get better results for. Use search terms to detect which words have had the most conversions and negativize the words with the worst results.

Analyzing your metrics regularly will allow you to know which campaigns attract the highest number of new customers. Go for them during Black Friday and frequently update budgets thanks to Amazon Advertising’s new beta budgeting feature. You can also use budget rules for special dates and combine them with performance rules.

Orient your strategy towards your target audience:

Structuring your campaign and initiating a targeting strategy is essential to be able to achieve your goals and optimize results. Test different products and different keywords and choose the combination that will give you the best performance to reach your target audience.

Make strategic bids:

Strategic bidding will help you get more impressions on your ads, especially during days like Black Friday when the competition is fierce.

With the dynamic increase and decrease bidding feature offered by sponsored products, you can maximize your return on investment. Amazon will adjust your bid in real time so that your ad is in a better position when it’s most likely to convert to a sale.

As the cost of the campaign will depend directly on the clicks your ads receive from users, you can withdraw it at any time if you think it will exceed your budget.

Add Budget Rules

At peak times like Black Friday, you can run out of campaign budget and lose sales. With the new budget rules, you’ll be able to increase your campaign budget both in terms of dates and performance. Combine budget rules with Amazon Advertising’s new “Budgets” tab where you can measure how long your campaigns are active. If the performance is less than 90%, it means that there are stretches of the day when your ads are not appearing and you are losing sales. This on dates like Black Friday can be a bad idea.

Don’t forget, your main goal on Black Friday is NOT to be profitable

Don’t forget that campaigns like Black Friday don’t always have the main objective of making money in the short term. The main objective should be to considerably increase your sales velocity and be able to opt for better organic positions that will help the growth of your account in the medium and long term.

If you want your sponsored ads to stand out on Amazon during dates as important as Black Friday or Christmas, at Nozama we can help you. We will design campaigns that will optimize your advertising efforts and increase your sales through Amazon Advertising.